See Momma in the background? She can't stay away from the dirt. Always pulling up weeds. : )
It was a good and timely visit. We hardly had the energy to take care of ourselves. Our house (NC) started falling apart last week while our bodies were falling apart.... The septic overflowed on Monday and we found out we need an entirely new system (current one built in 1939). Then our washing machine transmission & clutch died the next day. (but we are on such strict water conservation because of the septic, what difference does it make if we have a washer?) : ) After a grueling 50 days with trying to refinance our house, we signed the closing papers Friday night and put that awful process behind us.
Mom and dad gave us a real vacation. It was wonderful despite feeling crummy–– so good to get away from the madness.
The last time we were at this house, we were single. Weird.
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